Make your social selling program successful.

Achieve and demonstrate positive RETURN ON INVESTMENT.

Establishing social selling in your organization takes time and effort.

You have recently launched a social selling program, are looking to grow an existing one or to launch your first ever pilot? We help you make it successful.

Listen up.

In our ROI special, we have compiled for you the expertise and knowledge of close to a decade of enterprise social selling. This special is provided with support of our sponsor and partner ReadyForSocial. You can listen right here, or scroll down for written articles or videos if that’s your preferred content format.

1. Introduction

2. How to get started with social selling

Prefer to watch? Check out these videos!

Milan Ruzicka, Co-founder of B2B social selling SaaS & agency ReadyForSocial summarizes the key findings for you. Milan has implemented his first social selling program in 2014, as VP of B2B Marketing in the corporate world. Today, he is helping clients make their programs successful. Milan is joined by Sander Biehn, CEO and co-founder of ReadyForSocial, who explains why social selling matters in 2023 and beyond.

Why does social selling matter?

What does it take to have a successful program?

How to build a business case for social selling?

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Objectives of social selling programs

The cost of a social selling program

The value of a social selling program

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Sourcing strategies

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Is social selling right for your company?

Attribution of the deal value

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Read the articles

How to get started with social selling to increase your ROI?

How social selling can help you reach your goals in 2023 and beyond

What does it take to have a social selling program that drives results

How to unlock the power of digital marketing through social selling – the business case